Ford Duratec 1.8 / 2.0 / 2.3 16v

Ford Duratec 16V Vernier Pulley

Piper Cams

These are made to order, please allow 7-10 working days for dispatch.M6 Cap Head adjustment Bolts are factory tightened to: 12 Nm. Ensure to tighten pulley bolt to the manufacturers torque wrench setting.MANUFACTURER: FordPRODUCTTYPE: Vernier Pulleys

£191.32£159.43 (ex. VAT)

Ford Duratec Single Valve Spring Kit Inc Caps

Piper Cams

These are made to order, please allow 7-10 working days for dispatch.Ford Duratec Spring and Cap Set Single Valve SpringsCRUSHHEIGHTMM: 23.5FITTEDLENGTHMM: 38MANUFACTURER: FordNOMINALINTERNALDIAMETER: 18.08NOMINALOUTSIDEDIAMETER: 25.6PRODUCTTYPE: Valve SpringsRATELBF: 242RATENMM: 42SEATPRESSUREKG: 22SEATPRESSURELBF: 48SPRINGTYPE: Single

£295.98£246.65 (ex. VAT)

Ford Duratec Double Set Valve Springs

Piper Cams

These are made to order, please allow 7-10 working days for dispatch.Double Valve Spring Kit To Suit Ford Duratec Engines. Kit Includes SC22 Caps, Seats & Seals.CRUSHHEIGHTMM: 22.27FITTEDLENGTHMM: 38MANUFACTURER: FordNOMINALINTERNALDIAMETER: 15.5NOMINALOUTSIDEDIAMETER: 28.5PRODUCTTYPE: Valve SpringsRATELBF: 297RATENMM: 52SEATPRESSUREKG: 20SEATPRESSURELBF: 45SPRINGTYPE: Double

£549.45£457.88 (ex. VAT)

Camshaft - Ultimate Road (Ford Duratec 1.8 / 2.0 / 2.3 16V)

Piper Cams

These are made to order, please allow 7-10 working days for dispatch.Profile: 1892.Application: -Unit Type: Blank.For use with throttle bodies.Note: Not suitable for use with standard O.E. valve springs. Piper VSSDUR Valve Spring & Cap set must be used.Note: 1892 is the hottest profile which can be fitted without machining pistons.APPLICATION: Ultimate RoadDURATIONEXHAUST: 288°DURATIONINLET: 296°FULLEXHAUSTLIFT: 104°FULLINLETLIFT: 102°MANUFACTURER: fordPOWERBAND: 3000-7000POWERINCREASE: -PRODUCTTYPE: CamshaftTDCEXHAUSTLIFT: .116" 2.95mmTDCINLETLIFT: .154" 3.91mmTIMINGEXHAUST: 68 – 40TIMINGINLET: 46 – 70VALVEEXHAUSTCLEARANCE: .012" .30mmVALVEEXHAUSTLIFT: .420" 10.67mmVALVEINLETCLEARANCE: .010" .25mmVALVEINLETLIFT: .460" 11.68mm

£650.91£542.43 (ex. VAT)

Camshaft - Race (Ford Duratec 1.8 / 2.0 / 2.3 16V)

Piper Cams

These are made to order, please allow 7-10 working days for dispatch.Profile: 2170.Application: National Hot Rod.\nUnit Type: Blank.For use with throttle bodies.Note: Not suitable for use with standard O.E. Springs. Piper VDSDUR Spring Kit must be used.Note: Additional machining to the pistons required with this profile.APPLICATION: RaceDURATIONEXHAUST: 272°DURATIONINLET: 280°FULLEXHAUSTLIFT: 104°FULLINLETLIFT: 104°MANUFACTURER: FordPOWERBAND: 2500-7800POWERINCREASE: -PRODUCTTYPE: CamshaftTDCEXHAUSTLIFT: .126" 3.20mmTDCINLETLIFT: .152" 3.85mmTIMINGEXHAUST: 60 – 32TIMINGINLET: 36 – 64VALVEEXHAUSTCLEARANCE: .010" .25mmVALVEEXHAUSTLIFT: 450" 11.42mmVALVEINLETCLEARANCE: 008" .20mmVALVEINLETLIFT: 492" 12.49mm

£650.91£542.43 (ex. VAT)

Camshaft - Fast Road (Ford Duratec 1.8 / 2.0 / 2.3 16V)

Piper Cams

These are made to order, please allow 7-10 working days for dispatch.Profile: BP270.Application: Fast Road.Unit Type: Blank.Straight forward installation.Suitable with O.E. Valve Springs.APPLICATION: Fast RoadDURATIONEXHAUST: 244°DURATIONINLET: 260°FULLINLETLIFT: 113°MANUFACTURER: FordPOWERBAND: 1800-6800POWERINCREASE: 12BHPPRODUCTTYPE: CamshaftTDCEXHAUSTLIFT: .034" 0.87mmTDCINLETLIFT: .034" 0.87mmTIMINGEXHAUST: 48 – 17TIMINGINLET: 17 – 63VALVEEXHAUSTCLEARANCE: .010" .25mmVALVEEXHAUSTLIFT: .348" 8.84mmVALVEINLETCLEARANCE: .008" .20mmVALVEINLETLIFT: .383" 9.73mm

£650.91£542.43 (ex. VAT)

Camshaft - Rally (Ford Duratec 1.8 / 2.0 / 2.3 16V)

Piper Cams

These are made to order, please allow 7-10 working days for dispatch.Profile: BP300.Application: Rally.Unit Type: Blank.Note: For use with throttle bodies.Note: Piper VSSDUR springs must be used with this camshaft profile.Note: Piper PULSDUR vernier pulleys must be used with this camshaft profileNote: Additional machining to the pistons required with this profile.APPLICATION: RallyDURATIONEXHAUST: 288°DURATIONINLET: 296°FULLEXHAUSTLIFT: 104°FULLINLETLIFT: 102°MANUFACTURER: FordPOWERBAND: 3000-8000POWERINCREASE: -PRODUCTTYPE: CamshaftTDCEXHAUSTLIFT: .130" 3.30mmTDCINLETLIFT: .165" 4.19mmTIMINGEXHAUST: 68 – 40TIMINGINLET: 46 – 70VALVEEXHAUSTCLEARANCE: .012" .30mmVALVEEXHAUSTLIFT: .458" 11.64mmVALVEINLETCLEARANCE: .010" .25mmVALVEINLETLIFT: .490" 12.45mm

£650.91£542.43 (ex. VAT)

Ford Duratec 1.8 / 2.0 / 2.3 16v Cam Kit - KBDURBP285

Piper Cams

These are made to order, please allow 7-10 working days for dispatch.Profile: BP285.Application: Ultimate Road.Unit Type: Blank.Camshaft Kit to suite Ford Duratec  1.8 / 2.0 / 2.3 16v  Engines.Kit Includes: Timing Disc, Cam Lube, Piper Valve Springs & Cap Set VSSDURNote: Additional machining to the pistons required with this profile.Note: For use with throttle bodies.CAMSHAFTCODE: DURBP285BMANUFACTURER: FordPRODUCTTYPE: CamKit

£933.45£777.88 (ex. VAT)

Ford Duratec 1.8 / 2.0 / 2.3 16v Cam Kit

Piper Cams

These are made to order, please allow 7-10 working days for dispatch.Profile: 1892.Application: -Unit Type: Blank.For use with throttle bodies.Camshaft Kit to suite Ford Duratec1.8 / 2.0 / 2.3 16v Engines.Kit Includes: Timing Disc, Cam Lube, Piper Valve Springs & Cap Set VSSDURNote: 1892 is the hottest profile which can be fitted without machining pistons.CAMSHAFTCODE: DUR1892BMANUFACTURER: FordPRODUCTTYPE: CamKit

£933.45£777.88 (ex. VAT)

Ford Duratec 1.8 / 2.0 / 2.3 16v Cam Kit - KBDURBP270

Piper Cams

These are made to order, please allow 7-10 working days for dispatch.Profile: BP270.Application: Fast Road.Unit Type: Blank.Camshaft Kit to suite Ford Duratec  1.8 / 2.0 / 2.3 16v  Engines.Kit Includes: Timing Disc, Cam Lube, Piper Valve Springs & Cap Set VSSDURMANUFACTURER: FordPRODUCTTYPE: CamKit

£933.45£777.88 (ex. VAT)

Ford Duratec 1.8 / 2.0 / 2.3 16v Cam Kit - KBDUR2170

Piper Cams

These are made to order, please allow 7-10 working days for dispatch.Profile: 2170.Application: National Hot Rod.Unit Type: Blank.For use with throttle bodies.Camshaft Kit to suite Ford Duratec  1.8 / 2.0 / 2.3 16v  Engines.Kit Includes: Timing Disc, Cam Lube, Piper Valve Springs & Cap Set VSSDURNote: Additional machining to the pistons is required for this profile.CAMSHAFTCODE: DUR2170BMANUFACTURER: FordPRODUCTTYPE: CamKit

£1,175.40£979.50 (ex. VAT)

Ford Duratec 1.8 / 2.0 / 2.3 16v Cam Kit - KBDURBP300

Piper Cams

These are made to order, please allow 7-10 working days for dispatch.Profile: BP300.Application: Rally.Unit Type: Blank.Camshaft Kit to suite Ford Duratec  1.8 / 2.0 / 2.3 16v  Engines.Kit Includes: Timing Disc, Cam Lube, Piper Valve Springs & Cap Set VDSDURKNote: Additional machining to the pistons required with this profile.Note: For use with throttle bodies.CAMSHAFTCODE: DURBP300BMANUFACTURER: FordPRODUCTTYPE: CamKit

£1,175.40£979.50 (ex. VAT)

Ford Duratec 1.8 / 2.0 / 2.3 16v Cam Kit - KBDURBP320

Piper Cams

These are made to order, please allow 7-10 working days for dispatch.Profile: BP320.Application: Race.Unit Type: Blank.Camshaft Kit to suite Ford Duratec  1.8 / 2.0 / 2.3 16v  Engines.Kit Includes: Timing Disc, Cam Lube, Piper Valve Springs & Cap Set VDSDURKNote: Additional machining to the pistons required with this profile.Note: For use with throttle bodies.CAMSHAFTCODE: DURBP320BMANUFACTURER: FordPRODUCTTYPE: Camkit

£1,175.40£979.50 (ex. VAT)